• class schedule clipart


    8:50-9:10 Arrival/AM Activity 

    9:10-9:25 Morning Meeting 

    9:25-9:50 ELA Foundational Skills

    9:50-10:20 ELA Reading/Vocabulary

    10:20-10:40 ELA Writing

    10:40 -11:10 Lunch

    11:10-11:45 ELA Small Group/Centers

    11:45-12:15 - WIN (Whatever I Need)/MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)

    12:15-12:35 Number Corner

    12:35-1:15 Specials (See rotation below)

    1:15-1:30 SEL Read Aloud (Social Emotional Learning) 

    1:30-2:00 Recess

    2:00-3:00 Math and Math Centers

    3:00-3:30 Social Studies/Science

    3:30-3:35 Pack and prepare for dismissal

    3:35 Dismissal 


    **Snack will be a "working snack" in the afternoon, time dependent on the planned activities for the day. 



    Day 1 – PE (Wear sneakers, please!)

    Day 2 – Flex

    Day 3 – Library 

    Day 4 – Music 

    Day 5 - Art