Please send in the following supplies for your child during the first week of school.
- 1 marble composition book
- 4 plastic folders with pockets and prongs (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow)
- 5 dry erase markers
- 1 medium-sized zipper pouch for school supplies
- 5 large glue sticks
- 12 number 2 pencils, sharpened (Dixon brand seems to work best)
- scissors
- 1 box of crayons (no more than 24)
- 1 smock or old shirt for art class
- 1 whiteboard eraser or an old sock
- 1 highlighter
- Headphones or earbuds in a labeled Ziploc bag
*Headphones will be used daily - please make sure they fit well and will hold up.
13. 2 boxes of tissues
14. plastic sandwich size zip bags (students with last name A-K) gallon size zip bags (student last names L-Z)
Please send your child to school with a small healthy snack each day.
*Supplies will need to be replenished during the year.
*Please label your child’s supplies