Due to copyright laws, I will no longer be able to post homework worksheets to my website. Instead I will email you a copy of the homework packet each week.
Homework packets will be sent home by Monday each week (unless school is not in session on that day). Please check for a homework packet each Monday. Please let me know ASAP if a homework packet did not make it home.
If your child has forgotten homework, please print out a copy from the emailed version. If you do not have a printer, you could also have your child view the pages from your device screen and write the answers on blank paper.
Please have your child work on written homework for about 10 minutes each night. You may modify the amount of homework your child completes if it is taking your child much longer to finish homework. PLEASE let me know this by writing on the front cover of the homework packet.
Work on reading activities for an additional 15 minutes.
Read: Choice book or school-provided online program.
Please your child's Clever account to access school district websites. You may also use this link: www.guest.portaportal.com/uawendling, to find bonus websites. Use the left-most column for the websites we use the most in school. You and your child may choose to explore the other sites for enrichment.