•   SOME IMPORTANT INFO:         Classroom Info:


    1.   * SNACKS and WATER BOTTLES-  Please send in a snack and water bottle with your child each day.  * PLEASE put names/initials on water bottles*

    2.   MONEY SENT IN:  Any money sent in with your child, should be in a sealed envelope, labeled with your child's name, room number, and purpose for the money.

    3.   WILT:  The WILT books are a great tool for communication between home and school.  Please make sure to check homework assignments and sign the WILT each night. Also, feel free to

          touch base with me through notes in their WILT.

    4.   ABSENCES:  Please send in an absent note upon your child's return to school.  This note should include the date(s) of absence and the reason. Please don't write this note in their

          WILT, as these notes get returned to the Office for legal purposes. Absences due to family vacations should be pre-approved with the Principal prior to leaving.

    5.   EARLY DISMISSALS:  Please make sure to send in a note that morning, so that I can make sure to have your child prepared.

    6.   BIRTHDAY TREATS:  Due to many food related allergies, other suggestions instead of food items are:  pencils, bookmarks, erasers, etc. from the Dollar Store.  If you would still like to

          celebrate with a food item, they must be shared during your child's lunch period. You may also purchase birthday treats from the cafeteria.

    7.   LABEL BELONGINGS:  Please label all of your child's belongings and materials that can be labeled.  Very important!

    8.   Please LABEL Envelopes for the PTO with the reason they are being sent in, so that I can get them to the correct PTO representative....EX:Wawa Coupons

    9.  ***Change in Dismissal Plans***-  Please notify the Office so that they can notify me ASAP-  Thanks!



                                                   Academic Info:


    1. The Children should practice adding and subtracting facts through 15.

    2. The Children should practice writing and counting numbers through 20.  They should be able to read and asociate numbers and their word names.

    3. The Children should practice spacing and commas between numbers, when writing numbers.

    3. We also focus on, and discuss- the importance of Math in their lives ,and  in the real world.


    1. We are working on Reading To Self-  for 5-15 min. - independently and uninterrupted.  Please encourage your Children to practice Reading for time and stamina at home, each night.


    1.  We are working on expanding our thoughts and ideas when writing sentences, and using a variety of words and sentence beginnings.  Please feel free to encourage your Children to Write at home about topics of interest.  They may bring their Writing in to share with the Class. 

    Drug Unit-

    1. We are talking about making good choices in life and friends, expressing feelings, and the importance of accepting differences in people.  Please ask your Children about our Classroom Helper- :)  Carmen, the Puppet.