The role of the ESAP Team at Herbert Hoover Elementary is to help students and their parents overcome barriers to learning.  The ESAP Team process is a systematic approach to helping students with academic, social and/ or emotional needs. 
    The process begins with a referral to the School Counselor.  This referral will often come from the teacher, but can come from parents as well.  Members of our ESAP Team include:
    • Dr. Glennon
    • Ms. Brooks, Title 1 Reading Specialist
    • Mr. Welwood, Reading Specialist
    • Ms. Wood, School Counselor (3-4)
    • Mrs. Pecuch, School Counselor (K-2)
    • Mrs. Barber, Kindergarten Teacher
    • Ms. Donaghy, First Grade Teacher
    • Mrs. Hughes, Fourth Grade Teacher
    • Ms. Szodfridt, School Psychologist
    Parents are always part of the process and are invited to become members ot the ESAP team as well.