• What is Title 1?

    Title 1 is a federally funded project which provides help for children with reading difficulties.  Funds are allocated each year based on a grant proposal submitted by the Neshaminy School District and can be used solely for providing help to these children.  Evaluation of the program is continual during the year. 


    Student Selection 

    Students are selected for the Title 1 Program based on universal screening assessments given to all students at the beginning of the school year.  Once a student is identified as needing reading support, he or she will be evaluated individually by the Title 1 Reading Specialist. 


    Parent Support

    All Title 1 families are invited to an Open House and a  Parent Orientation that is held in the fall.  You are strongly encouraged to attend.  This is a wonderful opportunity to hear about the program and learn about the ways we can work together to improve your child’s reading, writing and spelling skills.  An invitation is sent home with your child shortly after groups begin.

    Title 1 newsletters are sent home periodically during the school year.  These newsletters will keep you informed of happenings in Title 1. They will also include some hints and activities in reading for you to use with your child at home. 

    Formal, scheduled parent conferences are held twice during the year.  You will be informed of your child's progress as well as strengths and weaknesses in the areas of reading, writing and spelling.  You will also learn ways you can help your child at home.  This is also a time for you to express any specific concerns you may have.

    The Bucks County Intermediate Unit # 22 offers a Title 1 Parent Workshop.  The workshop is held in March and topics promote education of your child at home.

    Student Scheduling  
    Title 1 groups meet for thirty minutes most days of the week.  These groups are kept small so that each student receives individual attention.   Students may be moved from one group to another as their needs change.  A student may be released from the program once it has been determined that he or she is able to be successful without support.  This is only done with your permission.