• Medication Policy


    No prescribed or over the counter medication shall be dispensed by any school district personnel unless the school nurse has on file an order from a physician plus
    written parental permission authorizing the appropriate personnel to dispense
    the medication in accordance with the directions of the physician. 


    The physician’s order shall include:


    ·        The name of the student

    ·        The name of the medication

    ·        The dosage of the medication and the route of administration

    ·        The time and the frequency of the administration

    ·        The name, address and phone number of the prescribing physician


    Any medication administered by school personnel must be delivered to the school nurse,
    the school principal or his/her designee and is required to be in a container appropriately labeled by a pharmacy or physician.   [Medication in plastic bags, envelopes, old pill
    bottles or medication bottles belonging to other family members will not be accepted.]


    If the physician order states that a student may carry and self-administer an Asthma
    inhaler, the physician shall clearly indicate that the student is qualified and able to self-administer the medication. The student must demonstrate the capability for
    self-administration and for responsible behavior in the use thereof and the
    student must notify the school nurse, the principal or the principal’s designee
    immediately following each use of an asthma inhaler.


    In cases when any of the above criteria cannot be met and the administration
    of the medication is necessary, the parent or guardian may come to school to
    administer the medication.