Whole Group Instruction
Guided Reading: small flexible groups
Independent reading
Read Aloud
Vocabulary and Phonics
Reader’s Workshop/Daily 5
Writer's workshop: personal narrative, informative, opinion
Daily use of technology to differentiate instruction according to individual learning style and academic need
iReady "My Path" to meet the needs of each individual student
Ready Math
- Growth Mindset Activities to promote critical thinking skills
- Independent Learning Activities to build perserverance
- Mini Lessons for reteaching and enrichment using different tools for support
- "My Path" individualized online learning to meet the needs of each child
Social Studies Alive!
- Communities
- Geography
- Goods and Services
- Citzenship
- Additional Resources and Activities:
- Social Studies Weekly
- Virtual Field Trips
- *Hands on, cooperative group projects
- Soil Unit
- Insect Unit
- STEM pollination unit
- Monthly whole grade STEM projects across the curriculum
- Project Based Learning Unit on Plants and their Importance in our Lives