• Library classes focus on teaching of information literacy skills.  During library class, students are challenged to locate and evaluate information using a wide array of digital tools.  We also work toward developing strong technology skills while fostering an appreciation for literature.  Students are given time each week to explore resources that ignite a life-long passion for reading and learning.  This year we will also incorporate a Makerspace/ STEM unit! 

    Library classes meet once per five day cycle.  Grades K-1 check out one book per cycle.  Grade 2 checks out two books per cycle.  Grades 3-4 check out two books every other cycle.  Please encourage your child to return his/her book on library day.  Students will also be provided with a heavy-duty plastic bag in which to keep their book stored in their back packs.  If your child loses the bag, please replace it with an extra large Ziploc bag or a plastic grocery bag. 


    See below:

    Day 1:  Smith, Matyi, Randall, Pomponio, Jackson

    Day 2: Krantz, McKenna, Kane, Donaghy, Himelfarb, O'Boyle

    Day 3: Maguire, Boberick, Nesbitt, Goodwin, Walter, Skale

    Day 4: Rafferty, Ballard, Gorman, Barber, O'Hara, Hughes

    Day 5: Rihl, Siegel, Kucuk, Richardson, Gaft

    Image result for library lion