Kindergarten Supply List
(Please send in all materials the first day of school)
- A school bag large enough to hold folders, papers, books, and a lunch box - no wheels please!
- 1 plastic folder with two pockets on the bottom (not on the side) - label with name
- 1 plastic rectangular pencil box approximately 6x8x2 -label with name
- 2 boxes of pencils (yellow only)
- 1 pair of scissors
- 2 boxes of crayons
- 1 package of glue sticks
- 4 thin point dry erase markers (black only)
- 1 old t-shirt for art - label with name
- 2 containers of Lysol wipes for the class to share
- 1 box of tissues for the class to share
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
- Headphones for computer/iPad time-label with name
- 1 marble composition book
- 1 container of play-doh (label with name)
- A reusable bag - label with name
- 1 box of large plastic zip lock bags (girls)
- 1 box of small plastic zip lock bags (boys)
- A healthy snack