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  •    Third Grade Curriculum

    Reading/Language Arts

    At the elementary level, instruction is delivered through a Balanced Literacy Framework that provides a comprehensive plan for instruction in reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.  O

    Balanced literacy includes:
    · Reading instruction
    · Word work and/or word study
    · Independent reading
    · Writing instruction
    · Independent writing
    • Your child should independently read for at least 20 minutes.
    • Reading Log/ Monthly Book Reviews
    • Good Habits Great Readers/ Guided Reading Groups/Reading and Responding on level
    • Junior Great Books- Critical , reflective thinking through shared inquiry
    • Words Their Way- Spelling
    • Vocabulary/Grammar Workshop
    • Fundamentals of Writing- Narrative, Opinion, Information


     Building problem-solving skills and strategies
     Multiplying and dividing with 1-digit and 2-digit
     Using tables, graphs, data, and probability
     Adding and subtracting with fractions and
     Understanding relationships between fractions
    and decimals
     Studying angles, line segments, area, and


    Rocks and Minerals
    Structures of Life
    Social Studies Alive 

    Our Community and Beyond



    Project Based Learning

    What am I passionate about and how can this become a career?


    What inventions do we still use today and how can we tell the inventors story?