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Third Grade Curriculum
Reading/Language ArtsAt the elementary level, instruction is delivered through a Balanced Literacy Framework that provides a comprehensive plan for instruction in reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. O
Balanced literacy includes:· Reading instruction· Word work and/or word study· Independent reading· Writing instruction· Independent writing- Your child should independently read for at least 20 minutes.
- Reading Log/ Monthly Book Reviews
- Good Habits Great Readers/ Guided Reading Groups/Reading and Responding on level
- Junior Great Books- Critical , reflective thinking through shared inquiry
- Words Their Way- Spelling
- Vocabulary/Grammar Workshop
- Fundamentals of Writing- Narrative, Opinion, Information
MATH Building problem-solving skills and strategies
Multiplying and dividing with 1-digit and 2-digit
Using tables, graphs, data, and probability
Adding and subtracting with fractions and
Understanding relationships between fractions
and decimals
Studying angles, line segments, area, and
perimeterScienceFOSSRocks and MineralsSoundStructures of LifeSocial Studies AliveOur Community and Beyond
Project Based Learning
What am I passionate about and how can this become a career?
What inventions do we still use today and how can we tell the inventors story?