reading well...makes learning easier
Is your child reading at least 30 minutes a day with a "just right" book?Some of my favorite quotes:WHEN THE TIDE COMES IN...I HOPE ALL BOATS RISE!One of the principle characteristics of most children with reading disabilities after the initial phase in learning to read- is the severe limitation in the number of words that can be recognized instantly!!!!! - Torgeson, Rashotte, & AlexanderFEW CHILDREN LEARN TO LOVE BOOKS BY THEMSELVES.SOMEONE HAS TO LURE THEM INTO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF THE WRITTEN WORD- Orville PrescottKNOWLEDGE IS ONE OF THE BEST INVESTMENTS ONE CAN MAKE- Benjamin FranklinEVERY MOMENT INVESTED IN TEACHING ROUTINES IS TIME WELL SPENTBECAUSE IT WILL SAVE HOURS OF INSTRUCTIONAL TIME LATER- Fountas and PinnellEmail Address:
Last Modified on August 25, 2015