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March 15, 2025
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Harlem Wizards at NHS
March 31, 2025
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April 18, 2025
April 21, 2025
Core Creek ES Announcements
Science Fair
It's back! The Core Creek Science Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, March 16, 2022, 6:30-7:30 PM.
Interested 3rd and 4th grade students can find more information HERE.
School Hours
Core Creek opens its doors to students at 8:50 each morning. The official school day ends at 3:30 PM. We begin to dismiss our walkers and car riders at 3:33 PM, followed by our bus riders.
Please do not drop-off your child before 8:50 AM, as we do not provide supervision until 8:50. If before or after care is needed, Neshaminy Kids Club is our in-house provider. They may be contacted at 215-757-2554. You may also choose to utilize another before/after care provider that services our school. Before and after care providers are fee-based. Please contact them directly to discuss their rates.
Office reminders
- Please remember to bring I.D. with you when picking up your child. If someone else routinely picks-up your child, please make sure to list them as an emergency contact AND remind them to have proper I.D. when they arrive.
- Please be sure to write your child's teacher a note regarding ANY changes to your child's afternoon routines. For last-minute changes, please call the school office at 215-809-6300 and speak with one of our secretaries.
- Our lost and found is growing. It is full of coats, fleece jackets, hats, scarves, etc. Please have your child check for lost personal items. Parents may also visit the lost and found. Please check-in at the office first.
CHIP information
If you are looking for a free or low-cost insurance alternative for your children, check out the PA CHIP program.
Be food allergy aware!
Due to varied allergy and dietary needs, please contact your child's teacher before sending in food for students other than your child (e.g. for birthday celebrations, class parties). Do not send in any items until the teacher has responded and confirmed the appropriateness of your request. Also, students should not share food at any time during school - even with a close friend. A seemingly harmless food item may unexpectedly contain allergens, or interact with other medical conditions. Depending on the health needs in the classroom, teachers may choose to avoid food-oriented experiences altogether.
District Announcements (scroll down for school-specific items)
SafeArrival Absence Reporting App
Neshaminy is pleased to introduce a new service called SafeArrival, which will make it easier to report student absences using a mobile app, a website or a toll-free phone number.
Please click on this document: SafeArrival User Guide (PDF) for information on SafeArrival and how to set it up. The application is live, and parents and guardians can begin using it immediately. At this time, handwritten notes and phone calls to Main Offices for absence reporting are also still accepted. Questions about SafeArrival should be directed to the Main Offices at each school.
Snow Day Information
Neshaminy schools will be closed for the first two snow days (the first of these was called on Monday, January 6). Any additional snow days called will be asynchronous online learning days. Please read the following document for information about snow days and asynchronous online learning: Snow Day Information / Asynchronous Learning
Every Student, Every Day
As we transition from summer to the 2024-2025 school year, we want to remind our Neshaminy families that every student's attendance, every day, is crucial to their academic success. We need your support to instill the habit of regular school attendance. It's important to understand that students who miss school frequently are at risk of lower academic achievement, failure, and even dropping out. Click on the links below to read letters to Neshaminy families about the importance of regular attendance and specific information on Neshaminy attendance policies.
Safe2Say Something app
Neshaminy offers the free Safe2Say mobile app for students, their families and Neshaminy staff to enhance safety throughout the District. Please click on the links below for more information about this important safety tool:
Health & Safety Plan
- Neshaminy Health & Safety Plan (adopted August, 2023)
Here Comes the Bus App
The free Here Comes the Bus app is now available for the entire District. You can track your student's bus using up-to-the-minute GPS data using the app, which is available at the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. It can also be accessed on the web here.
Neshaminy's school code is 29378.
Student Accident Insurance
Neshaminy does not carry medical insurance for students, but we are pleased to offer an optional low-cost group plan for those families that desire extra coverage. Click here for more information about this plan and how to register.
Neshaminy Help Line
If you have questions about anything Neshaminy and are not sure where to start, please call 215-809-7777 or email questions@neshaminy.org.
Chromebook Information, Repairs, Permission Forms
- Neshaminy Health & Safety Plan (adopted August, 2023)
Volunteer information
For information about the volunteer background check process, please visit the Neshaminy volunteer web page.
Safe2Say Something app
Neshaminy is introducing the Safe2Say app on Thursday, April 10 in the middle schools and Neshaminy High School. Please click on the links below for more information about this important safety tool: