• Reminders
    Please have your child fully charge their Chromebook every night and bring it to school with their charge cord.
    Your child will bring home a Take-Home Folder each night, and I will collect it at the beginning of each day. Please check the folder daily. It has a pocket for things that need to be returned to school and a pocket for things that may be kept at home. If you need to send me a note, please send it in the Take Home Folder so I will see it first thing in the morning.
    The students will have a morning snack break. Please send a snack for your child. We have a water fountain in the classroom. You may send a water bottle for your child if you wish.
    When it is hot outside, the air conditioning is on inside. Your child may need a sweatshirt or jacket in the classroom to keep them comfortable during class.
    I am not just a teacher. I am also a mother. I understand the joys, difficulties, unexpected emergencies, and schedules that parents must deal with each day. If you or your child ever have any questions or concerns, please let me know. The fastest way to reach me is email, but feel free to call the school or send a written note if you prefer. Together we can work through any difficulty that may come along.