Dear Parents:
Security practices at our school are for the protection of students and staff. We want to continue to make this building a safe place to work and go to school. I solicit your cooperation and understanding in following these regulations.
· All adults who enter our building at any time, must sign in at the office to receive a Visitor's Badge. The badge must be worn while you are in the school. Our staff has instructions to direct anyone lacking this identification to the office.
· PTO officers and volunteers must wear a Visitor's Badge.
· Recess is for children. Parents should not be on our playground or in the classroom (indoor recess) during these times.
· No visitor is permitted to go directly to a classroom.
· Adults who call for a child because of the need for an early dismissal or any other reason, must be listed on the emergency card. It is critical that we have current and sufficient information for all of our children. Also, send a note of explanation to the teacher. We require identification if our staff does not know you.
· A parent or guardian must come to the office and sign in a student who arrives at school after 8:50 AM
· Use the front entrance to enter and leave the building.
· Send a note to the teacher if your child is going home differently than usual.
· Students and/or parents will not be permitted to re-enter the classrooms after dismissal to retrieve homework or forgotten items.
Thank you for your cooperation for the safety of all of our students.