Medication Administration at SchoolNo prescribed or over the counter medication (such as tylenol, ibuprofen, cold medication, etc.) shall be dispensed by any school district personnel unless the school nurse has on file an order from a physician plus written parental permission authorizing the appropriate personnel to dispense the medication in accordance with the directions of the physician.The physician’s order shall include:
- The name of the student
- The name of the medication
- The dosage of the medication and the route of administration
- The time and the frequency of the administration
- The name, address and phone number of the prescribing physician
Any medication administered by school personnel must be delivered to the school nurse, the school principal or his/her designee and is required to be in a container appropriately labeled by a pharmacy or physician. [Medication in plastic bags, envelopes, old pill bottles or medication bottles belonging to other family members will not be accepted.] If it is a prescription medication, ask your pharmacist for an identical bottle. The pharmacist will even measure out liquid medication for the amount of school days required. Just a reminder, that students would not be permitted to transport medication, so an additional container would be advantageous and also safe.
Antibiotics that are ordered three times a day are usually not given at school. Antibiotics are most therapeutic if stretched throughout the child's waking hours. If necessary to administer during school hours, a doctor's note is required. This is the same for medicated eye drops.
If you think your child may require any over the counter medication during the school year (example: Ibuprofen/Advil/Motrin, Tylenol, Cold medicine, etc.) it would be beneficial to get the medication order to cover the entire school year. This may prevent a headache or cold from worsening so your child may be more comfortable at school.
***Please note that each school year requires new updated medication orders.
The following are links you can click on for the needed medication form(s) to be completed by your physician:
Medication Order: https://www.neshaminy.org/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=7815&dataid=75234&FileName=Medication_Order_From.pdf
Asthma Inhaler Physician Order Form: https://www.neshaminy.org/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=7815&dataid=75230&FileName=Asthma_inhaler_medication_form_4-17.pdf
Emergency Epinephrine Form: https://www.neshaminy.org/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=7815&dataid=75231&FileName=Emergency_Epinephrine.pdf
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan: https://www.neshaminy.org/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx? moduleinstanceid=7815&dataid=78292&FileName=Neshaminy%20Allergy%20and%20Anaphylaxis%20Emergency%20Plan.pdf