• The Neshaminy School District's Recommended Reading Lists are located in the Destiny Follett program.
    Our lists are organized by grade levels and genres. All district elementary lists are available in all the elementary sites. To find a list for an elementary student select an elementary school.  Lists for middle school students would be accessed through the middle school sites and so forth.
    Once you select Destiny Follett using the link below, 5 more clicks will reveal titles of some of the best books from either Childrens', Young Peoples' or Young Adult Literature. All of these titles are available in at least one of our district libraries. With another click or two, you can read a short summary and view the libraries that house each title.
    Five Clicks:
    • Select your school building
    • Select Catalog from the top tabs (Next to the green Home tab)
    • Select Resource Lists from the left menu bar
    • Select Public Lists from the tabs on the right
    • Select a list by Grade and Genre
    To get started: Follett Destiny